Project Description

The Mission
We want to inspire and empower women affected by breast cancer giving them hope and a sense of community and support. And we hope you’ll be a part of it!

Why it maters?
Breast Cancer is the most common type of cancer among women of all ages. The chances are that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. And Ibiza is not an exemption!

How we want to do it?
Creating a video story every month over the next year. This video will capture and transmit real life experience, emotions, fears and hopes. The target audience (women of all ages) will be able to relate with a common story, that may affect them, their relatives, friends, coworkers.

Every month the focus will be on a different woman that is either dealing with breast cancer in the present or she is in complete remission.

We want to create a day to remember, a day tailored just for her, so she could “forget” for a day all the difficulties that are happening into her life. An amazing experience that will make her feel beautiful, important, connected with herself and most important this experience will give her hope and inner strength to embrace life with a more positive state of spirit.

We all know that for every woman feeling beautiful is more than a statement, is more than a feeling is something that can affect her life, her interactions with others in the society, her state of mind. A woman that can see herself as a beautiful person is more confident, is more daring, is more optimistic, is smiling more and she is eager to live her life by accepting challenges and having the power to overcome difficulties with more ease, than a woman that feels that she has lost her femininity, her sparkle. And women that are affected by breast cancer are at high risk to feel that something irreversible has happened to them, and they will not be never again the women that they used to be.

By creating this “therapeutically Portraiture experience” we are doing exactly this: we are showing them how beautiful they really are, that they have no reason to be ashamed or frightened about the changes that are occurring into her life.